On Growing Up | Teen Ink

On Growing Up

September 19, 2016
By Samherdrich BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Samherdrich BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Kira Pyman's poem, "On Growing Up," It discusses the topic of transitioning from a kid to a young adult. As you grow older and collect more and more responsibilities, it's typical to become nostalgic of the times when our biggest worries were what flavor ice cream we were going to get. When Kira illustrates that it "seems as if you ran out of your pixie dust and fell into reality on your way to Neverland," it really made me realize how much I've changed and matured. Of course, maturity is a positive attribute to have; but don't we all miss being able to laugh at the simplest things without caring about what people thought about us? We all remember yearning to grow up and be a teenager, but now that we're here- isn't it the other way around? Thank you Kira for bringing this poem to my attention and making me realize how much my life has changed over the years. 

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