Great succes | Teen Ink

Great succes

September 22, 2016
By NathanVold BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
NathanVold BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “Failure: My Greatest Success” written by James H., I felt discomforted about his writing of a kid not making tryouts and used his anger to get better at other sports, the story left me feeling determined. The story “Failure: My greatest Success” relates to my life story. I’ve had the same issue this same issue as the kid who wrote this story. I tried out for basketball and barely made the team. I would practice in the offseason like the kid in the story would. So when it came to tryouts the only thing that would help me make the team would be my effort.  When we had our first game I didn’t play at all. When I would get picked up after the game my dad would act like his dad would “My dad gives me a look as if I’m joking.”  So after the game I would get home and just lay in my bed and feel the same pain as the kid in the story. I would use my anger for other sports like football. “Although there is no pressure or fear of cuts” I still wanted to prove my point like the kid in the story.

The author's comments:

Love sports

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