Feedback on "How to Raise Your Parents" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "How to Raise Your Parents"

May 9, 2016
By Derp_de_Herp GOLD, New York, New York
Derp_de_Herp GOLD, New York, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"How to Raise Your Parents" is a great article by Grace Coberly. It essentially describes how parents are really just children who seem grown-up. Grace describes the similarities between parents and children, and also the occasional child-like "phases" they go through. Also included are the necessary measures one must take in order to deal with such things. This article is worth a read due to its simplistic, yet humorous writing style.

In part, Grace's matter-of-factly tone adds plenty of humor to the piece. For instance, she writes, "If you find yourself drifting too far from your parents, it can be helpful to look for the answer in yourself...Adults tend to take cues from their kids when it comes to the modern world." Of course, one would not anticipate that an article written on quite an unexpected topic be written like this. In addition, the piece is very relatable, which adds to its authenticity. Grace writes, "In your teen years, your parents will go out of their way to pick fights with you. 'You need to work harder!' they’ll say." Of course, many parents tend to say things like this, only strengthening Grace's claim that parents are children in disguise. Overall, "How to Raise Your Parents" was a wonderful read, worthy of a recommendation.

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