Photography in Southport | Teen Ink

Photography in Southport

May 4, 2016
By hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mistakes are pinful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience"

     In this image we see a barren desert with a sun in the background and a single tree. This photograph is so symbolic on what it's like to stand alone in a world of many. You can relate to that tree in a sense that you are always alone and looking for the right path. Sometimes you venture out in search of your paths. The road you want to go on. 

      I can relate to this and I think many others people can too. It's easy to imagine yourself venturing off into the distance to find your destiny. To find what you're meant to do. These people like me are the three. We go off the trail that society puts us on to go out and explore. We are the brave enough ones to leave and venture out. This drawing related to the outcasts but we are the interesting ones.

     (This photo was taken by Kaleigh Karnel)

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