Feedback on "Flushed" by Shannon Auger | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Flushed" by Shannon Auger

April 7, 2016
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     In "Flushed" by Shannon Auger, the narrator tells her story of what's it like to blush all the time. She does so flirting, taking a compliment, introducing herself to new people, or talking to a boy she likes. She understands that her only problem is blushing but she isn't shy or socially awkward. Eventually, she overcomes this obstacle and embraces who she is.

     I admire the way she overcomes her problem. For instance, she said, "Now when guys introduce themselves to me, I just say,'I'm Shannon, and I blush a lot.'" People tell her she's cute and some laugh. I like how brave she is and finds her own solutions to solve. I wish I hope I can be as strong as her.

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