Feedback on The Crash by Mikayla Amaral | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Crash by Mikayla Amaral

March 1, 2016
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     In "The Crash" by Mikayla Amaral, she paints a scene of a very usual occurrence but enhances the story by capturing the emotions of that individual after she had been in a car crash. Those who had never been in a car crash or don't even have a car experiences what she feels and are put in the moment with the narrator. We feel tense and only a thought comes into our mind, did she kill someone? The author does a phenomenal job in describing even the specific details such as the awful scent of burnt rubber.

     Although I am too young to drive, Mikayla Amaral makes me envision the events of what she describes. My heart aches for the character she developed. As stated, " Terrified, I looked at my mom and whispered, ' Oh God, did I kill him?'" Every individual would inevitably come across such an accident or be a victim of one. However, knowing that this happens makes one more aware of their surroundings.

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