Feedback on The Dirtiest F-Word | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Dirtiest F-Word

March 1, 2016
By pottervian GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
pottervian GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     In the March issue, Anna Butler brings out the truth in the topic of feminism in the story, "The Dirtiest F-Word." As shown as I saw the title, it clicked to me that the topic was about feminism. Feminism has been a conflict since the day men and women started walking the Earth. 

      As a girl, I find it dissapointing how I still do not live in a society where one gender is not superior over the other. Why does a girl feel uncomfortable in a room full of boys, but a boy feels fine a room full of girls? Why are there less professional sports teams for girls? Why do girls get paid less than boys even if they do the same amount of work? This is all completley unfair to the girls who do not deserve being seen as less than a boy whose only difference from us is his anatomy. 

       What dissapoints me the most, however, is the fact that feminism is now being attacked as being "only for women." Anna does a perfect job in explaining that this is not the case. Feminism is not a fight for women or something to make women seem better than men. Feminism is a fight for equality because ultimatley, we are all human. Men, women, that does not matter because we are all capable of living. It irks me that people now consider feminism as being a way for women to now gain superiority. I am not fighting for women. I am fighting for equality. Anna is fighting for equality. Every feminist is fighting for equality and I am extremley proud of Anna for pointing that out in her piece. 

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