Cavities | Teen Ink


February 19, 2016
By tazmanya17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
tazmanya17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 This article which is named Cavities written by Grace Elizabeth Stathos is about toothpastes.She said in this article "I'm not sure if there are people who actually enjoy taking time to brush their teeth.I sure don't."I agree with her.I also dont enjoy taking time to brush my teeth.I think its kind of wasting time.But I have to like Elizabeth.Also she said "I dont care what color is" about her toothpaste.I dont agree with her.My toothpaste should be white or mostly white.I don't know why but yeah it should be.Thank you Elizabeth for sharing us about your ideas and memories about toothpaste.

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