all i know | Teen Ink

all i know

February 18, 2016
By heythisguyjust BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
heythisguyjust BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I totally agree with Alex Cook's poem, "All I know". I too, struggle with the schools methods and their concepts. They teach us to all be alike to work like one, instead of teaching us to be ourselves and be our own bosses. The so called "knowledge" they provide us with useless information and just leave us feeling empty. I totally agree with Alex, when he/she says " because I was taught from birth that up is different than down.. They never did tell me why or how I needed to calculate the world" the school system does not prepare us for life it, only prepares us for more school not "Real life".

       Thank you, Alex Cook for stating the truth that needs to be revealed for school to understand that we don't need this useless information they teach us. 

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