How to Love | Teen Ink

How to Love

February 18, 2016
By Mamra BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mamra BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever wanna die, fall in love and you'll get killed.

I wholeheatedly agree with Isabella Neblett on her views of love in "How to Love," and was very moved by it. Love is a beautiful thing but that doesn't mean it comes without precautions. She declares "Together we drestroyed each other in the most beautiful way possible...Sometimes love requires bleeding." You're putting you heart in each others hands and whether it is intentional or not, at one point or another one, or both, of you will have it squeezed a little too hard.

There will be no coming back from the beautifully chaotic destruction of lovers. Thank you Isabella for the truth behind your words and the heart stopping insight into love, young or old. 

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