French Faux Pas | Teen Ink

French Faux Pas

February 18, 2016
By JoshuaSalvador BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
JoshuaSalvador BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tu es bete"

I adore your articlle Julia Hernandez, since I can relate to some of your awkward situations that occurred in France. Although, I have never gone to France, I can personally say I have accidentally insulted someone in french. Rather than calling her beautiful I unfortunately said "Tu es bete" which translate to "you are stupid". After reading your article, the one thing that stood out the most was your phrase "Bonjour, Vous sentez comme le cheval". Clearly, your intentions were good, however I too would be embarassed after telling someone that they smell like a horse. Thank you, Julia Hernandez for this amazing article, and I hope to also visit France and have the same awkward situations like yourself. 

The author's comments:

Mrs.Green forced me 

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