I Believe in Rain | Teen Ink

I Believe in Rain

February 18, 2016
By _vanessapascua BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
_vanessapascua BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with Abbey Spivey in her article, "I Believe in Rain." She went beyond what was expected in that she felt happiness should be within the little events in life. She states in her article, "The purest most innocent form of happiness comes from everyday things we overlook and take for granted." Each and every individual should take a screeching halt and reflect about what has made them smile that occurred during the day. Think about it. Was it that you hung out with best friends you have not seen for years? Did you view a beautiful sunset? Whatever the case may be, individuals should try to become happy of what life has to offer each and everyday. Overall, thank you, Spivey, for creating the article. 

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