But...Bacon Response | Teen Ink

But...Bacon Response

February 28, 2016
By jpeirson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jpeirson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I read the article "but... bacon" in the newest issue of teen magazine and i enjoyed reading this article because i've never met or have never known a vegitarian person before and this gave me insight on there lifestyle.


this article also gave insight on how people react when they find out she is a vegitarian and she states alot of people bring up bacon as there argument that is why it is called "but... bacon"

The author's comments:

this article also gave insight on how people react when they find out she is a vegitarian and she states alot of people bring up bacon as there argument that is why it is called "but... bacon"

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