A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal | Teen Ink

A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal

February 18, 2016
By IAmCrystal BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
IAmCrystal BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Joe R.'s "A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal" was a tribute to the way one can turn a heart wrentching experience into a fascinatiing and insightful tale so long as one doesn't take it too seriously. Rejection is the ever present human condition whether it be rejection of a date proposal, as was the case, rejection from a job opportunity, or just rejection in a social environment; rejection is a part of life. It could even be said to be a fornutate part of life is it serves as a highway to higher discovery and growth on a personal level. As it is inevitable in life, it is only logical to form a productive response to it like Joe has. Out of his dreadful circumstance, he found meaning and eventually realized that though he may feel dread in the future due to rejections, understandable responses, he will not allow the impact of such rejection to become so enveloping of his life that he will not be able pursue anything else. It is remniscient of a prompt Florence Weltch gave to her fans while at Coachella. To paraphrase: if there is soemthign you've been hesitant to say, just say it. If it all goes wrong, at least you can write a good song about it. 

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