Feedback on "With Love" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "With Love"

February 3, 2016
By noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found the article "With Love" by "Karen" very honest and inspiring. In the article, she vividly describes her feelings of insecurity and confusion. She is in love with her best friend but cannot accept it because of what others might think. She struggles back and forth between being herself and trying to be normal. She listens to childhood theme songs to drown out her thoughts and make herself think everything is ok. In the end she decides to not care what anyone thinks and to let her true feelings prevail. She chooses happiness over normality.


I think this piece was well-written and teaches a good lesson. I admired the author's honesty over a difficult topic and the way she describes her mixed up feelings by describing the neurotic thoughts haunting her mind. Readers can learn that you don't always have to be normal and be like everyone else. You should do what makes you happy. Don't try to force yourself to be somehting you're not. "Karen" states,"Regardless of what society thinks, I'll give beautiful, passionate love a chance, because slowly the lyrics turn into answers. This is me. This is right. Love is my answer." When "Karen" finally accepts who she is, she finds peace and is no longer afraid and confused.

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