A lifetime of Abuse | Teen Ink

A lifetime of Abuse

January 26, 2016
By emilypardo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
emilypardo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes the people you love the most may be the people who actually hurt you the most. In the article written by Eva, "A lifetime of Abuse," helps us teens realize that suicide is never the answer. Eva is brave for writting her story and actually letting it be published for thousands of people to read. Us as teens sometimes actually feel like our parents might not actually care for us and reading how Eva was treated by her own father helps me and hopefully many other teens realize how lucky we truly are for having parents who care for us. Eva's article can change someone's life and can actually help prevent suicides.Thank you Eva, thank you for helping me realize things that I honestly didn't realize before I read your story. 

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