Aww Nuts | Teen Ink

Aww Nuts

January 25, 2016
By Angeles BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Angeles BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Karen when she wrote about being allergic to nuts in "Aww Nuts". Especially the way she expressed the story of her experience without being allowed to eat peanuts. I found Karen's story very interesting because she talked about how she ended up realizing she wasn't able to eat peanuts until she was like sixteen years old. However, she knew that she would have to get used to not eating nuts since she would get an allergic reaction. It also made her think about how she had to eat and be careful with whatever she eats. She just wished that she could've known when she was younger and not know at an older age. Also, it's important to know what you should and shouldn't eat in order to not have a reaction towards certain food. Thank you, Karen for this entertaining story that taught me something.  

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