My Best Frenemy | Teen Ink

My Best Frenemy

January 26, 2016
By MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In "My Best Frenemy" a column written by "Sarah" W. has a troubouling with one of her close friends that soon agrivates her entire being. Weirdly, i can relate to Sarah because I have had the same situation. As a teen, every teen has experienced bad emotional days. Unfortunately, vin this day and age sociale media is involved with friendships, it may not be healthy. i think she should've told Erin tht she did not appreciate her attitude. A big round of applause for her turning her disruption into writing. Thank you, Sarah for making me feel like I was not alone. 

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