Feedback on Where's Austin | Teen Ink

Feedback on Where's Austin

December 9, 2015
By bribanful SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
bribanful SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  The article " Where's Austin" discusses what it was like to have a sibling. The teasing, and the reluctance to help them. The narrator has an older brother named Austin and states that in his mind she was " the annoying little sister who was too young to understand his jokes and too old to be manipulated." Suddenly, Austin doesn't show up for dinner and when the narrator asks the mother replies that Austin is at his dad's house. This continues on for a couple of days but then days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. When the narrator is in sixth grade, she finally learns that her brother was in the military. The narrator comes to a realization that her brother has matured, and the relationship she had with him when she was younger had ended.


     This article was relateable due to the fact that I have an older sister. The usual teasing occurred but then she left to go to college. She would come back to visit but every time she did I would no longer see the girl I grew up with, instead I saw someone who was more mature and wiser. The narrator did a very good job at describing her relationship with Austin. She shows how it was strained and wasn't a good relationship. This article was very good at describing the relationships of siblings.

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