Feedback on "Animal Testing is Unnecessary" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Animal Testing is Unnecessary"

December 8, 2015
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     "Animal Testing is Unnecessary" by Becca Delzer immediately brought my attention to an issue that haven't been mentioned as often. It begins with a depiction of us being an animal waiting to be tested. Every detail makes me cringe as I read line by line because the excruciating pain and fear of being a tested animal has beeen evidently conveyed through each detail. It states, "You are painfully injected with various serums and searing chemicals are dropped in your eyes." Each description allows me to visually imagine what it was like and consequently leading me to be convinced that animal testing is unnecessary.

     I believe other should have the courage to stand against issues like this to open the minds of others like how this piece to me. People often underestimate the value of animal's lives. However, after reading this article, one understands why we have to fight hard for every one of these animals. 

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