I Hate The Internet | Teen Ink

I Hate The Internet

October 27, 2015
By Anonymous

In the writing titled I Hate the Internet by Evan Bogotá makes me strongly agree with what he has to say. People in today’s society can easily go Instagram for example and comment nasty and mean things about you without thinking how it could affect you. But if I were to approach that person in real life they would not have anything to say and deny the fact that they ever did such a thing. “People can be anonymous behind a keyboard, many feel free to write whatever comes directly from there brain” and with Bogotá saying that I feel people should think twice about what they put on the Internet. On for another example YouTube is where the most negative comments come into play. You have an option either to like or dislike the video content put up for viewers. If you have one person that comments what they like about the video you always have a negative person that wants to argue with you and tell you that your opinion is wrong. Every single person watches that video has an opinion. “Everyone who agrees with me is my friend; anyone who doesn’t is my enemy” is how people are thinking on the Internet. How can we get along in society when all we care about is other peoples opinion and proving them wrong?

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