Nate's Hockey Dream | Teen Ink

Nate's Hockey Dream

October 26, 2015
By pilots BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
pilots BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nate’s Hockey Dreams by Connor, which tells the story of a boy named Nate and his dreams of hockey. I agree with this article because I can relate to Nate because I wish I could play in MLB today as a sixteen year old. I try to be the best player on the team. I always work hard in practice, which means I am always learning. When Nate had to move to a new school I can relate that it is hard because when I am on the baseball field and my coach has to move me to a different position it is hard because you have remember new things from the opposite position that you were in. I don’t need a Post-It note to remind me to keep up my grades in order to play. I just think of my teammates on how they need me out on the field to help them win a game. Connor wrote, “Nate’s Hockey Dreams” very well. He gave great specifics on what was going on so it wasn’t confusing.

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