Drown but Not Die | Teen Ink

Drown but Not Die

October 26, 2015
By KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Delaney Kranz’s article, “Drown but Not Die,” left me wondering how different I look in person than I do in a photograph.  She wondered the same when someone from her school had past away.  After the person died, on Facebook “. . . we could scroll through photos of him holding up his phone before a mirror.   And it makes me wonder What does it mean to be a real person now?  because this doesn’t seem like a real person on my computer screen,” explained Kranz.  I always think about how my life could just come to an end suddenly.  I never know when my last day is.  Sometimes when I look at a picture of my deceased Great Grandpa, it doesn’t seem like he was an actual real person.  Instead, like Delaney explained, “It’s a thousand pixels in a thousand colors on something that looks like something else. . .”

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