Response to Walking the Halls with Cancer | Teen Ink

Response to Walking the Halls with Cancer

October 26, 2015
By Kelsey_Johnston SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Kelsey_Johnston SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “ Walking the Halls with Cancer” written by Eva B., Pia Phillips goes through a high school student’s journey of going through cancer.  This selection left me with a feeling of dignity for those who have and are battling cancer.  There is so much more than just going to chemotherapy and the thought of taking so much from their lives to get well again.  Pia Phillips goes through her journey scared of what people will think of her “I was scared to look like the complete opposite of a stereotypical perfect high school girl.” Pia stayed strong through her treatments, headaches, nausea, and discomfort “They say that a positive attitude leads to a positive outcome.”  Pia was happy to be alive as she got to cherish more of her life.

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