Sustenance | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By torn_apart_paper_yoyo BRONZE, Long Island, New York
torn_apart_paper_yoyo BRONZE, Long Island, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the poem “Sustenance”, I believe the author, Courtney Walters, writes about two boys she likes but one gives her more satisfaction than the other. “He was the 5-star meal of my existence, and you? You were just the hors d’oeuvres, tiding me over until he came along”. She also apologizes to one of them for there being “holes that couldn’t be mended” and that they would have burned out too quickly. While she slowly feasted upon him, the other left her ravenous and gave her what she wanted, when she wanted it rather than letting everything fade away.

I can relate to this poem. I had to choose between two people I cared about very recently. One gave me everything I wanted and needed right then and there. While the other slowly gave me what I needed. Things eventually got boring and died out. I got what I wanted but lost that person in the process. As for the other person, let’s just say he “had me ravenous”.

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