" If your reading this its too late" | Teen Ink

" If your reading this its too late"

September 28, 2015
By jiggyjose BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
jiggyjose BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i hated every minute of practice, but its better to suffer now an live like a king later

A big round of applause for Mitchell Mobley for his article. I agree on him stating that "there is no such thing as a drake album without a good somngto bust out at every party until you get tired of it". Although i do not agree his rating on it which was a 7.5 out of 10. Drake is a spectacular lyricist with talented choices of themes in hus songs instead of singing about the basic themes in songs such as violence, and drugs. I describe drake as the talented lyricist he is. Thank you Mitchell for taking your time in writing an article on the introspective sideod a telented singer who is always being underated.

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