Response to Run Like Clara | Teen Ink

Response to Run Like Clara

September 15, 2015
By KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Run Like Clara” by Anna-Sophia B.  left me with the same feelings I experience before I begin my own Cross Country race.  Ever since 7th grade I have participated in Cross Country; however, like Anna, each day I ask myself why I continue to do it.  Why do I run every day in sometimes-harsh conditions? I also have never received a medal, and even though the thought crosses my mind several times, I do not give up.  Anna concludes, “I got three things I value much more, a memory, a mindset, and a mantra.”  Her reasoning for what she earns in place of a medal lead me to realize why I continue running.  I do benefit from every race by becoming more mentally and physically strong.  After reading this article, I will keep the same thought of, “You are Clara.  Run like Clara.  You can give more.  Run like Clara.  Come on, run.  You know you’ve got it in you.  Keep going, and now beat Clara,” in my mind during every race.

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