Response to Our Collective Body | Teen Ink

Response to Our Collective Body

September 15, 2015
By Kelsey_Johnston SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Kelsey_Johnston SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “To Our Collective Body” written by Daisy Blossom D., her writing about difference and beauty left me feeling a reality check.  This selection takes my breath away as Daisy Blossom Doty goes through the perfect girl and the real girls.  All girls want this perfect outer appearance as “This is for your smooth skin, tightly wound like a drum.” Many girls are probably thinking of someone whose body they want, I know I was, and for those of you who weren’t, good for you.  As I read this piece it got me thinking about my perfect girl and how maybe she doesn’t realize she is gorgeous, but wants another person’s body. The ending is very motivational as to it’s my body, “And to screw everyone who dares to say otherwise” and why do I care what they think? It’s my body, not theirs, they can worry about their own.

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