Feedback to "A Potter Obession" | Teen Ink

Feedback to "A Potter Obession"

March 6, 2015
By Tyler1414 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Tyler1414 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Brooke Solich's "A Potter Obession," I found myself looking at my inner writer. Since I was about seven, i've always been fascinated with writing creatively- which inspired me to begin my own novel; currently on it's tenth chapter. Although I was never inspired by other writers- No, my passion was sparked by hard times hitting harder than before- and writing helped me cope with what came about. I do agree, however, with one certain aspect of this article. That aspect- very simply put- is to be yourself; regardless of who disgarees. Even when Brooke's own mother felt it was an unhealthy obsession, Brooke stood instead encouraed- not discouraged to be herself. Every person ha a right to their own chapter in this ever growing book of history's mystery. Not one person should have to share the same page. Thank you, Brooke Solich, for being yourself.

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