Finally a Princess Review | Teen Ink

Finally a Princess Review

March 3, 2015
By f.gavieres GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
f.gavieres GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You are enough, you are so enough, it's unbelievable how enough you are!" -Sierra Boggess

     As I look back on those days, where I was so young and naive to try and imitate an elegant Disney princess, it's not hard to see that I can definitely relate to Emily Spjut, author of the article "Finally a Princess". I have a past where I imagined myself in a world of fantasy, much like any other little girl.
     When I was a toddler, I was obsessed with Disney movies, which filled my VHS and DVD bin (there were so many of them that I needed to store them all in a bin.) I was hooked on Princess Ariel, who had a floppy green mermaid tail and long luscious locks of red hair. I acted as if I were controlled by her, following everything she did. In the summer, when I would go in the swimming pool, I tried to dive gloriously into the water and twirl around to watch my hair float behind me until I ran short of breath and became too dizzy. My mother even used to call me "Ariel", which I thought was the nicest compliment I ever received at the time.
      Movie after movie, my love for Disney never stopped. It grew, instead. Like Emily, my experiences went too far to the point where I embarrassed myself, trying to cross my legs and bend my feet to make myself look like I had a mermaid tail. Her article brought back many similar childhood memories of mine, where I was having a blast and the people around me probably thought I was weird. Ariel, and all the other Disney princesses, fill a large space in my memory and my heart.

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