The F-Word | Teen Ink

The F-Word

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

"The F-Word" by Jasmine Hart is about her telling what she is and not what others think she is.  She also explains why she is a feminist.    She says that she is a feminist and everyone just assumes she is a hairy man-hating woman.  She just wants everyone to know that she is a feminist that wants equal rights not the radical feminists that people mistake all of them to be.

There is stuff I agree with her like it’s not fair that U.S. women make 78 cents for every dollar made by their male counterparts.  I also agree that full gender equality has not been achieved.  There stuff she said that I don’t agree with also.  One thing I don’t agree with is when she said male violence against women is condoned.  Lets say a woman says her husband hit her the guy would go to jail and if he didn’t do it and says he didn’t do it they will believe the woman.  Now how is that condoning male violence against women?  The thing I don’t agree with the most is when she says rape culture is the fact that 99 percent of rapists are male.  For one it is not a fact and second it’s not true.  For the longest time it was only considered rape when a man did it but not when a woman did it.  Also when a female rapist rapes a man about 10% gets reported.  Just like when women don’t report rape because they are scared men raped by women don’t want to report it because they are scared they will get made fun of.  It might seem like the world is against females to some people but the same stuff happen to males to.

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