Review | Teen Ink


February 13, 2015
By JGoonan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
JGoonan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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why is the foam roller not being used daily
On the run,

Always Mentally Strong.

See you further on up the road.

Coach Mix

Article:  To Be or Not To Be:  College Athlete

The selection that I chose was about a girl who had to make the decision of playing sports in college or not.  After contacting many colleges to play sports at their school she was finally accepted into a school.  She didn't know how it would go the first day and it ended up going great and she loved being there. 

The selection that I read made me realize a few things.  I want to continue my athletic throughout college, and knowing how it may work is good to see.  The author says how nervous she is and she feels as if she isn’t accepted at first.  I can understand why she would say this because she is a entirely different setting than high school.  She is playing a competitive sport at a major university.  She thinks that the other players have something against her for no reason, although they help her at the end of the conditioning.  My first year in high school when I played football it was very intimidating I did not want to play.  I can relate to her because she wasn't sure how it would go but it ended up going great and she loves having her busy life.  I would also rather have a busy life than a boring sit around life.

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