Review Of 2 TeenInk Posts | Teen Ink

Review Of 2 TeenInk Posts

February 6, 2015
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Selection #1
Title: Change
Author: Madeline S.
Summary of what the selection is about: Madeline explains the troubles and hardships that we go through when we lose something or someone that we love dearly. She explains that after time losing this particular person or group will suddenly not feel so bad. She tells us this because we will look back and realize that we have so many good times and memories to reminisce on.

Your reaction to the selection: Madeline wrote a very nice and inspiring piece. So often we think of losing someone or something that meant the world to us as just a bad thing, but Madeline released the bright side of the story. We don’t ever cherish the good times we had with that person or group; instead we focus on the fact that they are gone. I appreciate this post my Madeline because I feel that she gave hope to many people who are still sulking in bed over a loss when they could be appreciating the time they had together.


Selection #2
Title: A Tough Lesson
Author: Amanda
Summary of what the selection is about: Amanda tells her story of the time she was placed in a position where she had to choose between looking cool to her friends or drinking and driving. Amanda decided to take the swig and then proceed to drive home. As she was driving home she was pulled over by a police officer and asked of she had been drinking. Amanda, rightfully, admitted to her mistake and was then given many tests of which she passed. When the police asked her to take a Breathalyzer test, she refused. Amanda was then arrested and had to be picked up by her parents and then attend court. Amanda got 700 dollars in fines, 40 hours community service, probation, has to attend a meeting, has to take drivers ed over again, and got her license taken for a year.

Your reaction to the selection: Amanda did a nice job touching on the fact that small mistakes could impact your life in a big way. Amanda did a nice job of using her experience as a lesson for many others who might decide to drink and drive. I think that Amanda’s story will impact many people and make them think twice. I have heard about many people, even in school I hear about teens drinking and driving. Those people deserve to have the same punishment as Amanda because they’re putting other lives in danger. Although it seems like Amanda’s punishment was harsh, I bet she will never do it again.

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