Ode to Ritual Crying | Teen Ink

Ode to Ritual Crying

January 27, 2015
By f.gavieres GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
f.gavieres GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You are enough, you are so enough, it's unbelievable how enough you are!" -Sierra Boggess

"Ode to Ritual Crying" by Gabriela Mancuso is a very ritual piece. It's a short poem, yet the meaning is so strong. She compares her ritual crying on sunday afternoon to her prom date, "touchy feely but not really". I feel that it's very moving.
    I can connect to how she feels because it sometimes feels like a routine to be sad, or to cry. It is well known that people go to church on Sundays, and I feel that a reference can be made that her "ritual crying" occurs on Sunday afternoons. It's very free flowing, and she portrays her feelings well.

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