one stupid text | Teen Ink

one stupid text

January 15, 2015
By Coronel26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Coronel26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Sophie Lamn in her article because it's nothing but the truth. For example "At first its both hands on the wheel, eyes always on the road. That lasts a month or so, and then we think we know how to drive." Just because you drove for a little it doesn't mean your an expert at driving now. One text can change your life in one minute. For instance, "we were in the left turning lane and, she was texting someone. when i glanced up, she wasn't even looking at the road though, she was turning." Also "No text is worth loosing everything." Thank you Sophie for sharing that texting and driving isn't safe for us.

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