Lottery | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By Anonymous

I can relate to Johana Masterson when she wrote about success in her article. I wholeheartedly agree with Johana in her article because how she talks about future,knowleadge,freedom and success. She tell us its like a lottery ticket that were scratching never catching on goals and dreams. Johana quotes "There are many swindlers in this world but life is the greatest of them all" Thank you Johana for the image she reflects on my life and how lottery reflects to success.

The author's comments:

Lottery inspires me by showing her knowledge on success and by that I always slack off on things on I try to acheive just trying other things or having fun she shows how success can be in the future, with knowledge and freedom. Its Motivation for me to do things and work very hard on what I do to achieve.

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