Feedback on "Death With Dignity" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Death With Dignity"

December 4, 2014
By LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

"Death With Dignity" by Jessica Harris is a great piece that really opened my eyes to an issue that seems to contradict itself: physician aid in dying. When a patient is terminally ill, some states allow them to choose to end their lives painlessly, with the help of their doctor. This issue clearly is a difficult one to talk about, as death, especially suicide, is a very sensitive topic. However, Jessica manages to provide great points and puts the whole issue in in perspective, and her writing style shows how much passion was put into such a piece.
     Jessica's writing starts off with a heart breaking story of a young girl who had to see her grandmother go through terrible pain before she pased away. She goes on to say how that same girl attmepted suicide a few years later, which was indirectly caused by her granmother's experience. Jessica then says that all of this could've been avoided if assisted suicide was an option for the family, as the young girl would not have had to see her loved one go through extruciating pain. The rest of the piece is phenomonal as well, as every point brought up was valid and really touched my heart. A line that stood out was, "It is human nature to avoid pain. Why, as humans, would we want to force others to experience what we dread?" She makes us question our whole way of thinking, as it is generally thought among society that suicide is bad, but Jessica makes it clear that, "Humans have the right to choose their deaths." I couldn't have worded that any better, which is why I applaud Jessica's work, and thank her for bringing up an issue that many find hard to write about.

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