Feedback on "The Selection" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Selection"

October 8, 2014
By Anonymous

After reading "The Selection" by Anna Johnson, I had to take a moment to just pause and reflect on the meanong and the depth of the poem. Then I myself: I don't think that I've ever read any piece of writing that so clearly shows one of society's greatest flawsall while keeping the form concise. In this poem, Anna discusses and describes the harsh and almost impossibleto reach standards and the struggle that many teenage girls felt when they try to meet these standards. I found this poem to be very well written and to possess so much truth that after I read it, it was left awe-struck by it.

Every teenage girl has, at one point or another looked at themselves in the mirror an d found only the disgusting things. The flaws. I'll admit that I've done it too. However, what I, and many of the other girls have never had the courage or confidence to do, is to take all the misgivings that I carried about myself and turned it into a poem. Of the entire poem, I found the lines "I examine my body/ like a piece of meat/ being selcted for the 'prime cut'" to evoke the most feelings. Perhaps it is because I can relate the feeling of having to try to reach the standards that media has deemed to be the most 'beautiful' and 'perfect'. Another thing that really made me enjoy the poem was the truth in it. This is because hat most teenage girls try to conform to these ideas of beauty. They all want to be model-thin and to have a picturesque body. I find that this poem expresses reality best. In conclusion, I thought that this poem was splendidly written, and that the author has been entirely successful with making the reader feel differently about the media.

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