"Bye-Bye Bully" Feedback | Teen Ink

"Bye-Bye Bully" Feedback

October 3, 2014
By Chey622 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Chey622 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article, "Bye-Bye Bully," stood out to me because I can relate to the author since I also am bullied, called ugly, and called fat. Here at my school, there is one boy that bullies me. He'll say, "Ew. It's a fat piece of s***," or call me names in Spanish. I do not have many friends that will stick up for me, but the ones who do push me to go to the principal and address the problem. Even though he's been suspended before, he continues to bully me. I've been bullied my whole life, whether it is by someone on the bus or someone at school. You would think home is a safe place for me, but it really isn't. My parents and brother bully me in a way that's worse than teen bullying. This has caused me to have a low self-esteem and constantly worry about my appearance. To cope with this, I listen to music, do sign language, and talk to my friends to suppress the memories. I know that it's hard now, but I also know that the future will be better.

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