Reponse to Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done? | Teen Ink

Reponse to Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done?

March 3, 2014
By Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done?” Amanda made a very good point: that we all should start helping out hopeless animals that need help.

I think it’s a great to start helping out animals. Amanda made a great point by saying “I am only one person. I can’t make a difference.” She said that saying bothers her, well it bothers me as well. Your one person so you can help save one animal if not more. If everyone pitched in and help save one animal this world would be much better. I can relate to this article because I have seen many animals being abused, or let go to be hungry and die. When I see these animals I try to go in my house and find some scraps from the dinner the night before and give them to them. I don’t see this very often but I think that everyone could make a difference by saving these poor animals.

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