Feedback Article to 'Crash' | Teen Ink

Feedback Article to 'Crash'

December 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Crash was an exciting story of a teen’s experience with a death-defying car wreck. M. Ross was driving in their mother’s car when all of the sudden a drunk driver collided into them at a devastating speed! It flung them multiple feet into a ditch and nearly killed the terrified family. Luckily, medical attention was quickly rushed to the scene and they were saved after long hours of procedures practiced by the doctors. The horrible incident still sticks with Ross today even though it has occurred so long ago.

I enjoyed this article very much due to its excitement and suspense. “Did they make it out okay?” Was the constant question circling my mind as the suspense gripped me tightly. Stories like this grip me in an instant, and I can definitely see why this was ranked number nine on the popularity scale. This story will hook you in an instant and you can definitely relate with your own scary experiences to add that extra little sense of reality.

This article was great and all, but with every good thing there must at least be one flaw. I’ve noticed a few spelling mistakes here and there but overall, they didn’t ruin the story for me. Another issue I noticed was the repeating of certain phrases such as, “Then we were bed ridden for about three weeks. The slowest three weeks of my life.” I read this a little funny and caused me to look over the sentences a few more times to make sure I wasn’t thinking silly. It just doesn’t sound right to me! Maybe something along the lines of “We were bed ridden for three horrible weeks and it appeared to me that they have been among the worst times of my life.”
But a few personal preferences and some spelling mistakes doesn’t ever ruin a good story. I enjoyed this article very much! It’s suspense and excitement is enough to anyone in and it always left me asking questions. Still I wonder how Ross’s condition is today. This is an article I could definitely read twice and not be bored of.

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