Graffiti Protest | Teen Ink

Graffiti Protest

November 7, 2013
By Tristen Pioche BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Tristen Pioche BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Graffiti Protest Response
I do not understand what it is like to fight for a education so therefore i do not understand the experience Caroline had. Not having this type of experience lets me know just how fortunate I am and what i take for granted. Taking a free education for granted means that I wake up begging for Friday to come dreading Monday through Friday, but with said I am not the only American teenager that dislikes High School that's a privilege to wake up every morning know that I got a free education unlike the the teens in Chile. What Caroline wrote in the article really lets me know I take education for granted "... the largest internal conflicts this country suffers: the fight for free, public education."

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