Bus Driver by Roy O'Dell | Teen Ink

Bus Driver by Roy O'Dell

November 7, 2013
By Nayquon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Nayquon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to the story called "Bus Driver" Roy O' Dell. Roy always wanted to make his life better for others even though he really didn't have good life, but the end he had meet a kid name Sam and he would always pick him up from school. And always see him ever where by the time he was living his life he always wanted to make people happy even the kids he pick up for school.Sam always felt that Roy was he best friend and he would always be there for him. As Roy lived his life and trying to live long even though he had cancer he still lived a young life as a bus driver. Thank you too Sam Page for the new look on people's life

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