Feedback on "For My Sister" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "For My Sister"

April 11, 2013
By Anonymous

The article “For My Sister” is a non-fiction piece written by Rebecca D. Her little sister was a witness of the shooting at Newtown Connecticut. Before the shooting, her sister was a five year old girl who was like every other five year old. She used to call herself a “fairy princess” and used to “paint herself in rainbow glitter”. After the shooting, the girl became a child whose innocence was taken away too fast. She became a girl who became an adult too quickly, someone who had to grow up without enjoying the innocent moments of childhood. The little girl wants to die, because her friend died during this incident. Due one man’s mistake, this five year old child doesn’t want to live. The Newtown incident was something that spread fear in parents like wildfire.

Before this incident, I didn’t even know there was a town called “Newtown”. After this incident however, I realized how corrupt some people can be. A man took a gun, walked into a school, and shot at the children and their teachers. An elementary school with young children, who will probably never forget this memory. At first I was shocked as I realized, it could have involved my younger brother (who is currently in elementary school). My heart goes out to Rebecca whose younger sister has been a victim to this incident. Even though it was not a physical loss, but in my opinion to have a five year old sibling wanting to die would be just as painful. The Newtown incident was not something that only affected Connecticut. It was something that reached out to all of the parents and siblings everywhere. Even though your sibling may seem like the most annoying thing in the world, remember that life is precious. The time with your sibling may be long or abruptly cut short. No one knows what will happen in the future. Rebecca’s piece made me realized that I had to treasure every moment that I had and will have. Make the memory of the Newtown shooting stay in your hearts forever. Don’t ever let a chance slip away, and make the best of the time you have. You never know what will happen.

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