Homework? No Thanks | Teen Ink

Homework? No Thanks

March 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Teen inc.
Box 30
Newton,MA 02461

Dear editors of Teen Inc:

I agree strongly that we get way too much homework (the homework revolution written by spaceking800). Most people think that kids are being lazy about homework ,but seriously we get 4 pages just from science and math.Scholars only get about one hour of play time outside. Also that’s what pushes kids to only use video games and get addicted to being inside playing video games . I would love to play outside and use my bike.

There ‘s also the problem of stress .I from experience know that being 7 hours on a chair only to get home and have to do 2-3 more hours of homework it’s stressing having your parents telling you to finish fast so you get some free time .My parents are very draconian and if I don’t finish my homework early i don’t get to do anything fun. Like the editorial said teachers also have trouble with the homework because the more the homework the more the teacher has to try and finish fast so she can live her own life. So teachers probably get stressed out if you don’t believe me ask my teacher .She is always trying to grade our test , homework ,and classwork .In conclusion students and teachers are stressed by homework.

My solution is that teachers stop giving so much homework. 3 pages would be best and less stressing.
Most people would what kids to get more practice with homework but that is not the way. We work hard every day just like our parents do so just like our parents we also need free time and rest. Parents argue that kids are lazy because we don’t do our homework and want to play.But we are just trying to relive our stress about school .So in conclusion we are miss under stood and need more free time.

Yonis f.

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