Feedback: A good and a bad review | Teen Ink

Feedback: A good and a bad review

March 8, 2013
By DerekDurant BRONZE, Las Angles, California
DerekDurant BRONZE, Las Angles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,
I really like your magazine. My favorite part is the reviews of movies, games, and music. There are some ways you could make it better such as adding a good and a bad review. That way you can see both sides of a the opinions. There have been a few like the Skyfall. I went and saw the and thought it was good but the review said it was bad. "I felt as if the plot had no relevance to the progress of the characters." This got me mad and made me think there should be a review from both sides.

Thank you and keep writing,


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