For the Sports Minded (Feedback) | Teen Ink

For the Sports Minded (Feedback)

March 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Teen Ink,

Your magazine consists of many different topics and genres of writing that readers and writers enjoy. The different themes in the magazines are a good way to attract different people who have different interests. To attract even more readers, instead of having the sports issue about once a year, why not save a spot in the magazine for all of the readers and writers that are sports minded to enjoy major recent sporting events. This gives Teen Ink the possibility to have a different theme for the magazine that the sports issue used to be, Whether it’s a nature themed issue for the nature lovers, or beauty tips for the cosmetic lovers. Either way this gives you more readers minded people will always be looking for that sports section and what it has to offer. Just a couple extra pages could transform the number of readers and writers of Teen Ink.


Marisa B.

The author's comments:
I am a very sports minded person myself and would sure like to see more sports related subjects in Teen Ink

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