The Mohawk | Teen Ink

The Mohawk

March 8, 2013
By Mike24 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Mike24 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"The Mohawk" by Samantha Cruger is a vary good example of how people are so quick to judge others. For example, Samantha decided to cut her long hair and get a Mohawk. In her passage she describes how her teachers would really judge her and how her friendly appearance turned into one that people thought less of. I could really relate to the way she felt. My first day of high school I was wearing a polo shirt, baggy jeans, and Jordan's. When I entered my honors classes the the first thing that teachers told me when I walked through the door was "Are you sure that you're in the correct class?" Just like Samantha, my teachers judged me on my appearance rather then my personality. Thank you Samantha for showing me that their are other students out there that are looked down upon like me.

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