Sisterhood | Teen Ink


December 11, 2012
By Leanna BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Leanna BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Katja M. in her poem "Sisterhood" I have a sister who is two years younger than me. We are the exact opposite, and she feels like I am favored by our parents. She is athletic and super smart, but she is not as fast or organized as me. I always have better grades and more free time. We were never close at all, until she jumped into high school. Now every night before we go to sleep I lay in her bed and hold her as she talks about her day. When she cries I wipe her face because she feels ugly. She has no idea how beautiful she is. Katja's story is like mine. I care for my sister and she is more amazing than she knows. Thank you for telling our story.

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