Things I'll Tell My Daughter Someday | Teen Ink

Things I'll Tell My Daughter Someday

October 31, 2012
By Bella Chimes BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Bella Chimes BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I read this piece by “Julie” I felt really touched by it. This article is about a girl who battled with self-harm and feeling like she wasn’t good enough for anything. She explains how when she has a daughter, her daughter will be “perfect” and the author will feel like she has actually contributed to the world in a positive way. She wants her future daughter to have self confidence and a lust for life. “Baby, I’ll be your dreamcatcher, no matter how many holes I have in me” when she says this is gives me a idea about how difficult the author’s life is but also how she’s still willing to carry on and make sure the problems that happened to her don’t happen to her future baby.

I think that the author’s difficult past has made her open her eyes to the fact that nobody is perfect and that she will be a more understanding mother.Her imagery was really creative “ She’s pressed against my stomach, unknowingly touching 2,4,6,8,10 scars, and cradled in spray-tanned wrists that don’t really hide the complete truth.” When she describes this scene of her holding her baby girl for the first time, it was like she was trying to show me that shes had a history of self-harm, Instead of just saying. I believe she is going to be a really great mother because of the way she says “ I will teach her beautiful before she learns weight” or “ in a world that will teach her wrong, I swear I’ll raise her right.” I think that the whole reason the author wants to become a mother is because she wants to raise a little girl with all the care and understanding she wishes she was given.

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